Ceria Travel

Armada Ceria Travel

the fast growing company provides transportation services needed by the community. Cheerful Travel has a focus in the best service so as to give the sensation of perfection on the way to its customers.

Ceria Travel by using the newest Kijang Innova fleet malayani Inter-Pandu Travel Shuttle Province, by providing shuttle service and passenger to pass. With a passenger capacity of 5 people, also receive a charter so as to provide convenience to consumers. Cheerful Travel also serve car rental with choice of type of hourly rental, 12 hour package or daily. we provide maximum service and friendly handled by reliable and professional personnel.

  • Address: Sungai Putri, Telanaipura, Jambi City, Jambi
  • Phone: +62 741 25428
  • HP: +62 853 69166111
  • Email: cs@travelceria.com
  • Website: www.travelceria.com
